United Kingdom Modern Slavery Act

Slavery And Human Trafficking Statement

Glen Raven has a zero-tolerance policy for practices involving slavery and human trafficking. We believe these offenses violate the most basic rights of human beings and we work to prevent them across our company, associates and suppliers.

Consistent with our beliefs, Glen Raven has taken the following steps:

Employee Code of Conduct

Glen Raven’s Code of Conduct, which applies to all company employees, prohibits all forms of human trafficking and slavery. During the past year, the Code of Conduct was provided to all new employees.

Supplier Code of Conduct

Glen Raven’s Supplier Code of Conduct prohibits its suppliers from engaging in any form of human trafficking or slavery. In addition, suppliers are prohibited from purchasing materials or services from companies that use forced or slave labor. Suppliers must also be able to certify that materials included in their products comply with the slavery and human trafficking laws in the countries in which they do business. During the past year, the Supplier Code of Conduct was made available to each new supplier via its publication on our website.

Business Operation Assessments

Although we do not audit all of our suppliers with regard to slavery and human trafficking, we have undertaken assessments of the business operations of certain suppliers. As part of the company’s general oversight of its supply chain, our employees have conducted on-site visits to many of the company’s major suppliers in the past year. If Glen Raven employees have reason to believe a supplier is engaged in human trafficking or the use of slave labor, including if the company receives credible information from third parties, we will take immediate appropriate action.

Training Systems

During the past year, we have developed a new training system for our employees. The system will enable targeted training of Glen Raven employees directly responsible for supply chain management on detecting and reporting human trafficking and slavery and on mitigating risks within the company’s supply chain.


Contact Glen Raven to learn more about our Compliance With The UK Modern Slavery Act